Sunday 7 June 2009

Yogyakarta in the national eye... part 1

10,000 seeds planted to green Yogyakarta

Mon, 06/01/2009

YOGYAKARTA: To make Yogyakarta a greener city, Mayor Herry Zudianto started to cultivate 10,000 seeds of various plants in the city, on Sunday.

Herry symbolically handed over the seeds to 45 subdistrict heads who would plant the seeds with residents.

"Hopefully, the additional 10,000 trees will make the city greener. The residents were asked to get involved to keep the trees from dying," Herry said.

The seeds will be planted along the city's main roads, such as Jl. Parangtritis, Jl. Gondomanan and Jl. Mataram.

Can anyone tell where the photograph was taken?


  1. We subscribe to The Jakarta Post at the Wisma Bahasa English Division. Anyone serious about studying English should try to read it every day. Maybe you could subscribe yourself and keep a scrapbook of interesting stories. If not, you could always come and read it when you are at the WB-ED.

  2. Suggestion to WB ED, just add some links to some famous English language news paper so that we can read it through your blog..
